I’ll move onto the scope or suppressor next once the mag is done. I got the first normal baking done on the mag today and need to adjust a couple of bits that have drifted and do a rebake come monday. I also got more than halfway through the Magazine.

This will be swapped out when another tip, suppressor or muzzle brake is on there. I got the first tip done which extends the barrel and will be a base tip that will always be on the end of the gun. I’m now flying through the other basic components. Sup?! So I got the main body of the FR18 done this last week. I had hoped to have this finished by this week but I got sidetracked by all the bugfixing work so I’m going to try and get these changes ready over the weekend so we can give them a good test internally before rolling out to you guys on the 2nd of August. Next up is balancing their spawn rates + temperature levels then making the temperature and balance changes I talked about last week. I’ve also started implementing dynamic weather systems for, currently they are spawning correctly, influencing temperatures, playing client side particle effects, affecting the skybox and showing on the map correctly. This should lead to performance increases on all servers + any cpu bottlenecked clients. Between all the ladders in the level and all their collisions this was adding up to a fair bit of work so I shuffled things around so our logical triggers layer only generated collisions with a much smaller subset of objects.

Previously we had our ladder trigger volumes able to be triggered by just about anything including level geometry and other triggers, in practice this meant most ladders always had ‘something’ in their trigger volume causing Unity to report an OnTrigger event.
Accessing hurtworld v2 Patch#
I also managed to squeeze in a decent performance boost to the patch through some physics optimization. I’ve closed down all these potential holes so hopefully this will see the end of that issue, please let us know if you continue to see it.Īs well as the SteamID session issue I also added an option for servers to disable ‘item pinging’ where players can link their items in chat. Whilst I didn’t manage to reproduce this bug I analyzed how we were accessing our collection of SteamID sessions and found a few potential places where a new SteamID could be accidently added at the wrong time. I also looked into a bug that occurs when the server already has a player session stored for a connecting player’s SteamID and will disconnect them with the message: “Active session with same SteamID”. Now the system is fixed up so it works the same in editor as well as the final build and items should always have their colliders built.
Accessing hurtworld v2 code#
Unfortunately the job cancellation had regressed and the system couldn’t recover from a cancelled job, to make this even trickier to track down the cancellation code was only running in the built game and not in the Unity editor. It turned out we had a bunch of safety checks running in our item display data manager that would try to detect if a mesh baking job had stalled (the meshes get baked together to determine the look of the item + its colliders) and then cancel the job if it had. Next up was looking into why world items would sometimes fall through the ground instead of colliding with them properly. It turned out this error was occuring from within Oxide/uMod and so after some back and forth with the Oxide/uMod guys we were able to get this fixed up.
Accessing hurtworld v2 mods#
What would happen is that sometimes during server startup an error would occur that would prevent the default content mods from being loaded correctly, then when a player joined a server because they couldn’t be loaded in properly they’d instead be stuck under the world with no input. The first bug I dealt with was what was commonly being referred to as the ‘graphics bug’.

This week I’ve been mostly doing bugfixing after having a bunch of issues pop up on our featured servers. When I get back from my trip I’ll be polishing the map up a lot and creating some new interesting town events, so that should be fun and add some much needed variety into the map events. Hopefully performance is alright, the assets are all pretty low poly but there are a lot of trees. So I don’t know how much of this tropical zone is going to end up being a place holder but it currently feels cool to run around so it should hold you over. There’s a lot more I want to do with the layout of the tropical zone but unfortunately I have to go away for a week. I also modified them a bit to get rid of some steepness problems. Hello, this week I’ve been implementing the tropical zones into the main map, I was originally going to manually paint all the tropical areas but in the end that seemed like a bad idea, so I ended up taking our current hills and dressing them up with the tropical assets.